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    【莎士比亚英文名言、士比亚名言英文版】莎士比亚 英文版

    相关热词搜索:名言 莎士比亚 英文 英文版 比亚 莎士比亚经典语录 莎士比亚名言英文版加翻译


    ◆Women are in love with their ears, and if the men will have love, it is to fall in love with eyes. -- Shakespeare

    ◆Health because she was beautiful, they were men pursued because she is a woman, men were captured. -- Shakespeare

    ◆Smart has become a fanatic ignorance, is the one most likely to catch fishes; because he only high school-Pingshi, see their own arrogance. Fool"s folly like to wonder, smart, stupid things that people才叫pain belly laugh because he used heavily ability to prove that his own stupid. -- Shakespeare

    ◆I do not have the road, so there is no need eyes when I can see, I also falls His servant, we often have to miss the count on the effect, anti-able on our shortcomings as useful. -- Shakespeare


    ◆Weisi coward in the past, has been dead many times; Warriors a dead life, in all strange things, the people were mortally afraid of death is one of the most strange things. -- Shakespeare

    ◆No matter how long darkness, the day will come. The world does not have a method can detect a person"s face his evil intentions.Shakespeare

    ◆In order to trap us sake of the devil, often deliberately to tell us that the truth, in the small things that we trust, and then we will be in a critical moment to fall into his trap. -- Shakespeare

    ◆Not what is good or bad, but thinking has made them different. -- Shakespeare

    ◆If well prepared psychologically, and all preparations have been completed. -- Shakespeare

    ◆You can say, "Hue, the most bitter no" you and suffered hardships in the end it was not. -- Shakespeare

    ◆God, men the same heart, he is perfected. -- Shakespeare

    ◆Fool thinks smart, smart people know they are stupid.

    -- Shakespeare

    ◆This vision who can see people straight face? #p#副标题#e#

    -- Shakespeare

    ◆I stuck in the legs early Xuehai, unable to stop,

    Want to look like come to an end like that very chilling

    Is not a retreat, the future is a swamp, people Huoxianhuoshen. -- Shakespeare

    ◆Nutrition books in the world. Life, not books, not like the sun; wisdom, no books, no wings like birds

    -- Shakespeare

    ◆There are many good friend, better than a lot of wealth. -- Shakespeare

    ◆Some people never compliment you on the mouth, not all friends Adversity

    -- Shakespeare

    ◆There is a category of the lowly work with Kennedy is the spirit of extraordinary hardship endured, the lowest humble things often at the most noble goal - Shakespeare

    ◆How sharper than a serpent"s tooth is to have a thankless child. (William Shakespeare, British dramatist)

    ◆Nizi merciless rather than snake. -- Shakespeare


    ◆Is the simple wisdom of the soul, long algae is superficial decoration - Shakespeare

    ◆Good carefully, gold - Shakespeare

    ◆the best practice is to love talking

    ◆shook hands and behaving I am ingratiating myself to hand

    ◆whenever statement love to softly

    ◆the road to true love never flat

    ◆performance does not love does not exist

    ◆stoning smashing immortal love fire

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    【莎士比亚英文名言、士比亚名言英文版】莎士比亚 英文版》由(语痕网)整理提供,版权归原作者、原出处所有。
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